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"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."
Ephesians 2:10
Must Reads
"Fierce is being confident in who you are."
Wolkenzye Pascal
Reading the Masterpiece blog inspired that it is fine to be a masterpiece and a work in progress. God is still working on myself and to accept where I am fully yet still work towards a better version of myself.
— Davina
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The Perfect Testimony: The Broken Master Piece Review
If you have not heard by now, if you have not seen by now, The Broken Masterpiece has been released and is available online and on-hand....

Already Chosen : Not Your Typical Christian, Single and Content Blog Entry
You are already chosen. These are the exact words that popped into my head one day as I laid face up on my bed staring at the ceiling....

Co-parenting with an ex
No one gets into a relationship and purposely have a child just to not be together. But, things happen; people change, people grow apart...

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Words could not describe how much I loved and appreciated this man. I remember the first time we locked eyes. We were sitting in church...

Wisdom and Discernment
Good morning! True story! Part 1: I Woke up one morning ️ and there was an army of ants marching from the outside of my balcony,...

Singles Edition: How to Enjoy Valentine’s Day
It’s that time of year again! Where the stores are all stocked up with chocolate, flowers, huge teddy bears (and I mean HUGE), love...

What singles actually do on Valentine’s Day…
Blog Entry By the Author Of Seems like we have a lot of choices in this life. Some are more clear than others,...

What Does My Family Have To Do With Us? : Analyzing All Areas of Marriage
Ever heard of the expression "I'm marrying the person and not their family?" Well, my husband and me went out to catch a movie and as...

Your worth and its importance in your relationship
I am honestly glad to no longer be in the dating world! I realize today with social media that dating is not the same anymore. It's so...
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