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The Master's Piece


Already Chosen : Not Your Typical Christian, Single and Content Blog Entry

You are already chosen. These are the exact words that popped into my head one day as I laid face up on my bed staring at the ceiling. Prior to this, thoughts of insecurities and uncertainty ran rampant through my mind as I began to ask God these questions. “Why haven’t I ever been in a relationship yet? I’m 22. I feel inexperienced in the “relationship department. What if I never experience what that’s like? What if? What if? “ As I dwelled on the fact that I have yet to experience the highlight reel that plagues my social media feeds of happy couples, having happy families and living happy lives, I began to cry. These tears however weren’t out of sadness or out of fear of “always being the bridesmaid but never being the bride” but rather the fact that I felt peace in knowing that even though I may never get to be "chosen" by a man, I’ve already been chosen and secured in Christ. You see , as Christians sometimes we can begin to feel really entitled as if God owes us something. God didn’t promise us marriage, children, wealth or any other perishable item that we can’t pack up and take into heaven with us. One thing He did promise however, was Jesus. Since the moment Eve ate the forbidden fruit, God made it known that he would send a Savior to defeat the death that would come from sin ( Genesis 3:15 ). All through out scripture we learn and read about Jesus and that He is our promise. This isn’t to say that the desires you have aren’t valid, or that they have to suppress your desires for a spouse or that you have to pretend to be okay and content in your singleness. The struggle is real and I can personally attest to that, but when we shift our focus on the one who satisfies, the one who brings wholeness to the broken, the one who quenches the deepest thirsts that we have ( John 4:13-14) then and only then instead of asking What ifs? We can say so what? I’m already chosen and I serve an Abba and I have a Savior who can and will shift my desires to a place where I’m not burdened but I’m filled with peace. In this moment, if you feel that after reading this, you yourself carry a heavy sorrow of wanting to be married but haven't seen it happen yet, give those hurts and frustrations to the father. He sees, he knows, he sympathizes, and he hasn’t forsaken you.


“Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11:28‬ ‭CSB‬‬ “And this is the promise that he himself made to us: eternal life.” ‭‭1 John‬ ‭2:25‬ ‭CSB‬‬



  (C) 2016 by The Master's piece

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