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"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."
Ephesians 2:10
Must Reads
"Fierce is being confident in who you are."
Wolkenzye Pascal
Reading the Masterpiece blog inspired that it is fine to be a masterpiece and a work in progress. God is still working on myself and to accept where I am fully yet still work towards a better version of myself.
— Davina
Recent Posts

The Path of Self Discovery
At the age of 24, I moved to Orlando after going through one of the most humiliating seasons of my life. It was in Orlando that it was...

Looking Beyond
FLAWLESSNESS BEGINS WITHIN. Fashion is more than just about the clothing you wear. Anyone can wear a dress, but it’s the woman in the...

Overcoming Depression
The year was 2016; I was in my room and had just woken up from a long slumber. The first thing I could see is my gray ceiling. The fan...

Where do your validation comes from?
I’ve realized that in this generation, we’ve allowed a lot of unimportant and minute things to validate us. We allowed money, people and...

Don't be afraid of being the best you
First, I would like to thank Mrs. Wolkenzye Pascal for the opportunity to write on her blog, The Master’s Piece is so unique and I love...

Just Be You
To start off, I’m going to be completely honest when Wolkenzye asked me to write a feature post on "The Master's Piece" blog I was so...
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